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发布时间:2017-10-17 12:02:49       返回列表



  名牌的手表在表把上还要打印上它的商标的标识,它的表名字母缩写的LOGO,甚至还有在上面镶嵌宝石的。除了装饰的作用外,表把还是手表密封防水的重要的环节。表把的内部有密封胶圈,密封胶圈与表壳上的柄头管接触,以保证水和潮气不能进入手表的机芯。为了提高手表的防水性能,有些手表表把处的密封胶圈不只有一道,还有的把表把做成带螺旋扣的,(比如ROLEX)这样,手表的密封就有如瓶塞。 表把也是比较容易损坏的部件,**常见的损坏原因是表杆锈蚀,特别是一些老表,锈蚀会造成表把杆变细而折断。还有的原因是表把容易受外力的冲击和碰撞,造成表把的歪斜变形,会影响防水性能和操作。从使用操作的频繁程度上,机械手表要高于石英手表,由于常年不断经常的上弦和拨针,会造成表把头的磨损,电镀脱色。这样,一是不美观,二是表把拧动的时候也容易滑脱。





   watch to appearance, call it "the Cantonese", as a component, which is composed of the head and the table is composed of two parts: (a). Watch in the use of the needle and the first quarter, adjust the calendar and the second stopping is to rely on the table to complete, therefore, it is an important part of the watch, can also reflect the characteristics and style of the appearance of a watch. A lot of brand-name watches are brand word in the table to make a fuss, with exterior decoration, but also enhance the waterproof function on the table to become a unique style of these watches, (for example, word brand Panerai etc.). And exaggerated and prominent table, you can often become a big point of some watches.

  name brand watches in the table to print on the logo of its logo, it's table name initials LOGO, and even in the above mosaic gem. In addition to the role of decoration, the table is still a key link in the waterproof watch waterproof. Put the table inside the sealing ring, sealing ring and the handle head case tube on contact, in order to ensure the movement of water and moisture can not enter the watch. In order to improve the waterproof performance of the watch, watch some of the sealing ring is not only a place, and put it into the table with a spiral buckle, (such as ROLEX), watch like a cork seal. The table is easily damaged parts, damage is the most common cause of meter bar corrosion, especially some Laobiao, corrosion may cause thinning and break a table. The reason is that the table is easy to be affected by external shocks and collisions, resulting in a table to the skew deformation, will affect the performance and operation of water. From the degree of the frequent use of operation, higher than that of the quartz watches mechanical watches, the perennial often winding and needle, will cause wear head table, electroplating decolorization. In this way, one is not beautiful, the two is the table when the screw is also easy to slip.

  the word brand brand watches service department in the maintenance of the watch, pay attention to "comprehensive" service, which includes all the time to replace aging aprons and table head. This will undoubtedly ensure the waterproof performance of the watch, but there is a cost of the problem, an imported original table is not cheap. But if you make sure that the watch is always flooded from the watch, you have to change it. It should be said that the table is indeed a watch on a "consumption" of the past on the watch repair and maintenance, and did not realize that every time we must replace it. In the maintenance of watches, a lot of tables are used for 10 years, or even longer. In the table the apron after aging, and lack of timely replacement, caused by the movement of water into the moisture, resulting in serious rust of parts. However, this kind of situation, it is difficult to repair the watch.

  in order to prolong the service life of the main table, or to pay attention to waterproof, try not to take a watch to go swimming, washing clothes, but the rain or wet, not at this time to pull out the table to adjust the watch, wipe immediately. Because the table head compared to try to avoid it by the bulge, bump, and should pay attention to the gap table head and case, too small will affect the operation, which will affect the waterproof performance, but also not beautiful.

  also called a "mother's" table structure in the previous MIDO and ROAMER watch applications more, this time in the table table to pull out, we must move light.

  can bring a bottle of oil, put in the table to the regular point, which can improve the waterproof performance and make the first needle become smooth. Choose stainless steel table to watch, to be more durable than electroplating, and more large table head, in the use of it will feel more convenient.

  上门回收店中国**品**,服务地区:北京 、上海、广州、杭州、深圳、沈阳、南京、长春、哈尔滨、太原、成都、西安、 天津、 南昌 、重庆、武汉 、郑州、济南、苏州、石家庄、长沙、合肥、贵阳、福州、兰州、昆明、乌鲁木齐 等等 动调整,但相信**型号根本不会,也无需在价格上做出让步就拿百达翡丽Ref. 5004、Ref. 3448、徐州劳力士二手回收点Ref. 3450和Ref. 2499来说,西方**的需求非常强劲,而供应量接近于零,有价无市。 仅凭百达徐州劳力士二手回收点翡丽或劳力士古董款腕表名头,就引得众人纷纷盲目竞购的日子,已经一去不复返了避免太高估劳力士星期日历型,即便它在5月[url=http://www.cntrades.com/b2b/huishou111/news/itemid-3506043.html]2 (95)[/url]-[url=http://www.cntrades.com/b2b/huishou111/news/itemid-3506039.html]2 (25)[/url]-[url=http://www.cntrades.com/b2b/huishou111/news/itemid-3506037.html]2 (68)[/url]-[url=http://www.cntrades.com/b2b/huishou111/news/itemid-3506027.html]2 (58)[/url]-







