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发布时间:2017-10-11 21:22:20       返回列表
厦门欧米茄收购-咨询电话:156-5244-7333(可微信)厦门欧米茄收购 上门回收店中国**品**,服务地区:北京 、上海、广州、杭州、深圳、沈阳、南京、长春、哈尔滨、太原、成都、西安、 天津、 南昌 、重庆、武汉 、郑州、济南、苏州、石家庄、长沙、合肥、贵阳、福州、兰州、昆明、乌鲁木齐 等等厦门欧米茄收购




  钻石与表本身就是一对孪生兄弟。你看名表品牌发展史,不少都是先有珠宝、钻石,后出钟表,当然还有反过来的例子。一只钻表的制作完成,相当耗费工时。从设计师手工绘制草图,再到电脑 3D效果图。经表厂众多部门及市场负责人甚至老板多方论证后,才**终定稿。有时这一过程将拖得非常长,好比十月怀胎。设计是灵魂,做工是手段。一切都设想好了,就该开始实施了。








  drill is "standard"

  diamond shine let other gems to catch up, some watch factory will even larger quality diamond cut change is in line with the requirements of the drilling, regardless of diamond weight loss. Spare diamonds usually will have a considerable large number of millions of grain selection. What is more, in order to prepare a list of all the top jewelry stone, stone selection process can take several years. The natural growth of gem will inevitably have defects, in order to obtain consistent color and clarity (the naked eye can not see the difference), watch manufacturers choose to wait, its amazing patience.

  design is the soul

  diamond and the table itself is a pair of twin brothers. You look at the history of the development of brand watches, many are first, jewelry, diamonds, a clock, and of course examples in turn. The production of a drill table is complete, quite a waste of time. From the designer to draw sketches, and then to the computer 3D effect diagram. After a large number of tables and the market is responsible for many departments and even owners of multi argument, before the final finalized. Sometimes this process will be dragged on very long, like pregnancy in October. Design is the soul, work is the means. Everything is supposed to be good, it should be carried out.

  "set" to determine the value of

  The most commonly used methods of

  drill table are: four jaw sealing, groove insert and package insert, etc.. Accurate drilling machine tools, and then the hole for polishing, the mosaic master under the microscope, with the "four corners" way to diamond inlay. The whole process is very slow, need to master the patience and experience, a little carelessness will rework. It combines the highest technology of the table plant and amazing endurance, is to use the "heart" to do the work. And because of a lot of human factors, coupled with the brand value, so the expensive drill table is very reasonable.

  diamond watch maintenance

  1 diamond has a certain affinity, as little as possible with grease contact.

  2 does not participate in strenuous exercise. Although the watch in the factory were rigorously tested, but the violent movement of the diamond off the phenomenon is still frequent occurrence.

  3 cleaning in professional institutions. Diamond table is easy to deposit a mosaic of dirt, a long time need to be cleaned. For the safety of your watch, please go to the professional organization.

  4 in the regular table, you buy the table drill drill is likely to be set up later, regardless of quality and technology level are greatly reduced, so we must look for the original certificate, rather than the so-called "authoritative accreditation bodies" certificate.

  目前,在全国拥有上百家实体终端,覆盖北京、上海、广州、深圳、南京、杭州等**城市。 及长久的规划发展,不急于一时一刻,而将品牌之**价值与中国文化相结合,以带领百达翡丽走向更广阔的一番天地。 逾百年来,百达翡丽一直信奉精品厦门欧米茄收购哲学,遵守重质不重量、细工慢活的生产原则主旨只有一个,即追求完美它奉行限量生产,每年的产量只有5万只在长达一个半多世纪中,百达翡丽出品的表数极厦门欧米茄收购为有限(仅60万只),不敌一款时尚表的年产量,并且只在****名店发售。 “去年10,000多枚腕表送返美国服务中心保养维修,但我们目前仅有19名制表[url=http://www.cntrades.com/b2b/huishou111/news/itemid-3485315.html]2 (20)[/url]-[url=http://www.cntrades.com/b2b/huishou111/news/itemid-3485313.html]2 (78)[/url]-[url=http://www.cntrades.com/b2b/huishou111/news/itemid-3485309.html]2 (98)[/url]-[url=http://www.cntrades.com/b2b/huishou111/news/itemid-3485303.html]2 (43)[/url]-

